

Ashtaka are recited by an experienced elderly person called the Gurunnanse. In a Poruwa ceremony traditional rituals are carried out by him. The bride's father leads her to the Poruwa, while one of the bridegroom's maternal uncle leads the bridegroom to the Poruwa. Tying the nuptial knot means the bride's right hand thumb and the bridegroom's right hand thumb are tied with a thread and water is poured over them using a Pan Kendiya. In the exchange of wedding rings the bridegroom slips on the bride's ring on her ring finger and vice versa. The bridegroom offers a lengthy bundle of white cloth to his mother-in-law and the exchanging of other valuable gifts by both parties also tales place there. When the couple get down from the Poruwa at an auspicious time, Jayamangala Gatha is recited by three or four young lasses.

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